Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Turkey Day

It's Thanksgiving Weekend! For me that its... because we have a lack of school right about now. That means that in the morning we will have cinnamon rolls, and we will have dessert later. No wonder why they call it sleepy day. All you ever wanna do is sleep after you stuff yourself =)

Night night....
TGBTL <3333

Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Mr. DeVille, I'm ready for my close up.."

I love close ups of pictures, so I decided to share. I am just going through all of my pictures, so that's where all of the summer pictures are coming up. *sigh* I love the winter time, but summer is so carefree and amazing.

Some people hate the dandelions, but I see them as beautiful.

Spreading the beauty <3

Until later,

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

More Than Meets The Eye

I have found out that my camera can not only last for four years and still work amazing, but that it also can function without half of it's lens. I dropped it the other day, and being the transformer that it is, It only had a minor malfunction. Check out the new pictures:

Thanks to my friends, who let me get creepily close to their eyeballs =)